We will work together as a team to achieve customer satisfaction, personal growth and financial strength.
Customer First:
Customers are the source of everything; our aim is to support the success of our customers by offering innovative and competitive products and services that will help them make the difference in their own markets.
Our people, at every level, without any distinction of culture, gender, origin, race, religion or sexuality, are our most valuable assets. Our aim is to attract, develop, promote and retain the best people, offering them equal opportunity to succeed.
This is the ultimate measure of how efficient we are at providing our customers with the best products and services to meet and exceed their needs. Profit is vital to all of our stakeholders: our customers, to support investment, innovation and growth, our people, to reward their contribution to company success, and our shareholders to reward their confidence and risk-taking.
To be the preferred supplier of engineered, high quality magnetic components and assemblies that will satisfy a wide range of our customers' needs by giving them:
What They Want
When They Want It
At The Right Price
and Do It At A Profit